Monday, March 14, 2011

Construction Begins!

Hello! First off we want to thank you for being patient through our entire move and build out process. We are excitedly anticipating the renovations being completed to our space in Liberty Station.

Couple things to note:
1) WE ARE STILL OPEN! (Regular Store Hours)
2) Temporary location is just next door to the space being renovated. - FOLLOW THE RED ARROWS once you get to the parking lot and main space. I'm sorry, but there is no yellow brick road, however skipping is permitted.
3) Bike Fittings are ongoing and booking quickly! Schedule your fit online!
4) We love our customers! Please call us with any questions...unless you are looking for the land of OZ.
5) Tuesday/Thursday shop rides and the Thursday shop run are still ON! Check our our Events Page for more details. Parking is still plentiful.

Anywho - Here are some pictures of what's been happening. Look for updates on our blog as well as our Facebook Page throughout the build!

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